Open-source projects
I develop numerical tools aimed at high-performance scientific computing and at the analysis of data resulting from large-scale numerical simulations. All of these tools are developed in the Julia language, and are openly available under open-source licences.
WriteVTK.jl allows writing VTK files for visualising of spatio-temporal data resulting from numerical simulations.
BSplineKit.jl contains several tools for working with splines of arbitrary order, either for data interpolation, function approximation, or for numerically solving differential equations.
PencilArrays.jl facilitates working with structured data arrays distributed using the MPI, allowing high-performance computing over thousands of computing cores.
PencilFFTs.jl enables the computation of fast Fourier transforms over distributed arrays managed by PencilArrays.jl.
NonuniformFFTs.jl is a fast parallel implementation of the non-uniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT), enabling accurate estimations of discrete Fourier transforms on non-equispaced locations.